Titan and Krewer Blueberries –Size matters

Grow the Biggest
Let’s face it; there are some things in life where size does matter. When it comes time for picking your berry patch, harvesting the fruit is both a labor intensive as well as a hot job. Most blueberries are dime size and it can take awhile to get you pan full. University of Georgia blueberry breeder Scott NeSmith  is known for his work in developing high quality blueberries of size. Titan and Krewer are two outstanding new releases from NeSmith’s breeding program.

Both Titan and Krewer are rabbiteye blueberries which spell success for the home fruit gardener. Closely related to our native blueberries, Rabbiteye blueberries are hardier and more forgiving to raise the southern highbush that type berries that most commercial southern blueberry farms raise. They tolerate a wider range of soils and are more disease resistant than their counter parts.

Titan Blueberry in FruitThat being said it’s the size that sets these two blueberry varieties apart from the rest. Both Titan and Krewer blueberries will cover a quarter, that’s over four times the size of the average blueberry!

What makes these berries so big you might ask? It’s staying power that wins the game. These berries are bred to hang well on the plant, way past the blue ripe stage. This allows the berries to continue to size, as well as adds to the flavor of the berry. It really can’t be beat, great flavor and great size.

As far as using these two new varieties in your home fruit garden, they are both excellent hedging berries. Their natural tall height and narrow crowns will allow you to plant them as close together 3-4 foot for heavier yields sooner. They withstand the heavy invigorating pruning that is required to keep you plants smaller and easier to pick. Here’s a guide to read more about their care Growing Blueberries.

Blueberry BloomPollination is important to get good production from blueberries. Plant these two together with Vernon for best yields.

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