Well, it has been awhile since we sent out a farm report. In the busy-ness of the doing, we sometimes neglect to make time to converse about what we’re doing. For those of you that are wondering whether we are still here, it is very much so. We love gardening and helping people to learn to grow their own food.  We are working to pass this wonderful life style to a younger generation, but in the meantime, we work to both enjoy life and find a balance in working. The nursery is open Wednesday through Saturdays 9:00 to 5:00. We no longer are open on Sundays. That was a tough decision, but it will allow us a weekend day to play with the rest of the crowd, and longer periods for traveling. We still grow the full range of fruits, nuts and berries. We are adding more
interesting varieties as we find what works well in our hot, humid climate. Our ornamentals have been winnowed down to just what makes us happy to grow, and we are broadening the niche of useful herbs, pollinator plants, and the strange and odd. Come down when you want to visit a different collection of plants than you find elsewhere. As always, we are easy to talk to about what’s growing in your garden, successes and failures. We like to help. You can always call us or email a picture; we enjoy helping you solve your gardening puzzles.
The crop of fruit trees is unrivaled this year. Our stronger focus on the heart of the nursery has brought better quality trees and a wide, interesting selection of fruit trees. Our crop contains some of the harder to find fruits like grafted paw paw, mayhaw and quince. We still have a fantastic selection of persimmons and figs, plus as always many, many varieties of cold hardy citrus. New herbs are Yerba Mate (that’s right, make your own!) , Curry Leaf for all the India food lovers out there, and more…
So load up the car with all your friends, beach toys, dogs, cats, crazy uncles and aunties. Set your course for the southern reaches of Wakulla County, visit the beach, have a great seafood dinner, and be sure to stop by the nursery and visit. We’d love to see ya…
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